Ravaged Prime Computer Inc is desperately cutting costs after its fight against the hostile MAI bid and its subsequent acquisition by J H Whitney Co, and one of the projects to suffer the company’s involvement with Intel Corp, Olivetti & Co and Unisys Corp to develop a multi-processing version of Unix System V.4. Prime has not commented, but appears to have withdrawn from the Consortium, which was set up in the middle of 1988, though only revealed last March. Jerry Popek of Locus Computing Corp, who is heading a Workgroup on Multi-processing for Unix International, confirmed that Prime had dropped out of the Intel-led consortium, but said that work had not slowed due to Prime’s non-participation. If anything, the pace of work is increasing, he said. Popek’s Workgroup is due to submit a report on multi-processing to Unix International and AT&T’s Unix Software Operation within a month. We are coming to a crisp solution and will be delivering our report on time, he said.