Prime Computer Inc yesterday expanded its open systems offerings by announcing that its Prime Information Plus version of the Pick operating system database, which is already available on its high-end MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC-based machines, is now available on all its Unix systems, as its its Prime EXL implementation of Novell Inc’s Portable NetWare communication software. Prime has also added the EXL MBX 486 at the top of its lower range of Intel iAPX-86 family Unix machines. The software is source and object code-compatible with the version of Prime Information on the 50 Series minis so that applications can run under both Primos and Unix without conversion or recompilation. Prime Information Plus on the EXL line is from $350 for one user to $145,600 for 512 users and will be available on the EXL MBX Series systems in April. The EXL Portable NetWare incorporates SPX/IPX to TCP/IP gateways and it is claimed to be unique in that it integrates into one sys tem communication gateways that link Net Ware local nets to the entire network. Full systems start at under $30,000. A typical configuration on an R3000-based EXL 7330 with 24Mb memory, 64Kb cache, 663Mb disk drive, 120Mb cartridge tape, Ethernet controller, console, 16 asynchro nous lines, RISC/os Unix, TCP/IP, Network File System, Portable Netware, ARCServe back-up software and Monitrix Network Man agement is $38,027. A similar configurat ion of the EXL MBX 486 system is $31,884, and both start shipping in April. The EXL MBX 486 runs Unix System V.4 and supports up to 74 asynchronous connections and up to 64Mb memory. It has synchronous supp ort for X25 and SNA, Ethernet controller, parallel printer port, nine-track tape, a 150Mb cartridge tape and up to 876Mb int ernal disk. Out now, it is from $15,900.