Under the agreement, priceline.com will provide links to SmartMoney.com’s real estate-related content and tools within the pricelinemortgage home mortgage service. SmartMoney.com will promote pricelinemortgage’s Name Your Own Price(SM) mortgage and refinancing services on SmartMoney.com’s Real Estate home page.

Today’s agreement delivers high levels of synergy for both companies, said John Surface, senior vice president of pricelinemortgage. Pricelinemortgage customers will benefit from the industry-leading investment advice of SmartMoney.com. Meanwhile, consumers who go to SmartMoney.com to research a mortgage or refinancing will learn about pricelinemortgage and be able to take advantage of our money-saving services.

We’re pleased to ally ourselves with Priceline.com for this initiative, said Bill Shaw, director of business development at SmartMoney.com. SmartMoney.com’s Real Estate section is a popular area on our site. Through this alliance, we look forward not only to increasing traffic to SmartMoney.com, but also to providing our users with this service from one of the most trusted brands on the Web.