Hewlett-Packard Co’s Precision Architecture RISC won 32.7% of RISC system revenue last year, worth some $9,600m, according to Andrew Allison’s Inside the New Computer Industry. That’s down a shade on 1993’s 33.7% share, but significantly up on its $7,500m revenue last time. Sparc comes second with $5,800m from a 19.7% share, down from 1993’s 22.5% share, but up on the $5,000m system revenues the architecture commanded last year. Power and PowerPC hit 18.4% and $5,400m in 1994, up significantly from 1993’s 10.8% and $2,400m numbers. MIPS is at 17.7% and $5,200m, from 20.2% and $4,500m last time. Alpha is at 5.1% and $1,500m from $300m in 1993. Other RISC architectures are down at $1,800m and 6.1% share from $2,550m and 12.8% in 1993.