It seems that Praxis International Inc has finally found a taker for its OmniWarehouse data store, but the company is not naming names just yet. All it will say is that it has signed a non-exclusive licensing agreement with one of its existing customers and is currently touting it to other potential OEM customers. Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Praxis decided to concentrate on data replication at the start of the year and to pass the marketing of OmniWarehouse to someone that could compete wit h the likes of Oracle Corp with Express and Informix Corp with MetaCube. The company says it will not release OmniWarehouse itself. It includes the OmniInfo querying tool. Gareth Taube, Praxis’s vice-president of marketing said it is unclear what level of enhancements Praxis would add to the product in the future, or whether it would leave all that to the licensees. Praxis has also changed the numbering system for its releases of its Omni-Replicator bi-directional data tool. What was to be version 2.0 is out now, but as release 1.7, and supports Windows NT SQL Server and Informix. There will be quarterly dot releases of OmniReplicator, but the company would not specify future enhancements beyond saying there are new sources and new targets on the horizon.