Power Computing Corp has come out with a new line of mid-range Mac OS RISC machines at budget prices, under the PowerCurve name. The Austin, Texas-based Macintosh cloner says the new machines are CPU upgradable, use the 120MHz PowerPC 601 and the PCI bus. The PowerCurve 601/120 is available in desktop and low-profile configurations and has three PCI slots, on-board 10Base-T Ethernet, optional Level 2 cache, built-in high-performance video, and a big software bundle including Microsoft Corp’s Office. Maximum memory expansion is 256Mb. The on-board VRAM video enables users to have 2Mb or 4Mb of video RAM with support for up to 24-bit colour in 1,280 by 1024 pixel resolution. It will support VGA-style monitors and the VGA connector is auto-sensing. The base configuration for the low-profile PowerCurve 601/120 is 8Mb memory, 840Mb disk, 2Mb Video RAM on-board, Mac 15-pin and Super VGA graphics connector, extended keyboard, mouse and bundled software at $1,850. The desktop version is $1,900, both later this month. The software bundle includes ClarisWorks, Quicken, SoftWindows 2.0 on 60-day trial, America Online access software, Grolier’s Multimedia Encyclopedia CD-ROM.