Contrary to typical display advertisements, high-level Twitter users engage with the ads at a greater rate than lower-level Twitter users, according to a new study by 140 Proof.

The company studied ad campaigns between March and June 2011 to see how consumers responded. It found that of those users who logged in to Twitter from third-party clients like Echofon, TweetCaster and UberSocial more than 100 times a month and saw more than 1,000 ads, 20.40% interacted with at least one ad a month. This is a huge increase in interaction compared to the users who only logged in between one and nine times a month and saw fewer than 100 ad impressions, said eMarketer.

Moreover, the users responded to at least one ad 1.57% of the time. In between these extremes, users who logged in between 10 and 24 times responded to ads 4.41% of the time, those who logged in between 25 to 49 times had 8.77% engagement rate and users logging in 50 to 99 times a month interacted with an ad 13.82% of the time, said eMarketer.

Recently a survey from Lab42 found that 37.2% of users access Twitter online multiple times a day and 27.2% access via a mobile device multiple times a day. Additionally, 32.8% access the site online daily and 28% access via mobile daily.