Power management semiconductors revenue in 2011 is expected to reach $33.1bn, up 6.7% from $31bn in 2010, according to a IHS iSuppli report.

The IHS iSuppli Power Management Market Tracker report said the growth will be much lower than the 37.8% in 2009-10, primarily due to a general slowdown in consumer spending and the Japanese earthquake in March.

The market is expected to grow by 3.9% in 2012 to a projected $34.4bn, continuing the low growth trend from 2011.

IHS principal analyst for power management Marijana Vukicevic said the Japanese situation righted itself by September, but by then the industry was feeling yet another constraint – the decline in consumer spending that started in the middle of the year, a situation not likely to improve until after the first half of 2012.

A tightening is already being felt, as consumer expenditures has slowed revenue expansion in the power management sector during the third quarter to just 2.3% from the earlier quarter, compared to an 8.8% increase during the same time last year.

However, the current slowdown in power management semiconductors notwithstanding, revenue expansion overall will be positive for the next five years, with growth to average 7.2% during the period.

The most promising signs are for inverters, which are anticipated to grow from $4.2bn in 2010 to $7.5bn in 2015.

Consumer demand is expected to return after 2014, with the higher levels in ensuing expenditures having a positive effect on power management semiconductors.

This will result in improved revenue growth at a projected 8.7% by that time, the IHS report said.
