NCR Corp has now begun the integration work necessary between its own hardware lines and those of new parent AT&T Co, under the so-called Open Networking Environment strategy, and added several new products of its own. The products involved include StarGroup software, StarLAN and StarWAN networking hardware; and StarSentry network and systems management – along with a new Systems Network Architecture communications processor family, and WaveLAN wireless networks based on LAN Manager for Unix. The AT&T StarLAN family of network adaptors, intelligent hubs and network hardware gives NCR a suite of products for multi-vendor communications for twisted pair, coaxial and fibre-optic wiring. The StarWAN range includes bridges for interconnecting Ethernet, FDDI and Token Ring local networks, and b-routers for wide-area networks using services such as T3, X25 and Switched Multimegabit Data Service. The StarGroup software has been integrated with NCR’s existing Open Systems Interconnection based products for client-server networking, and now runs on all models of NCR’s Intel iAPX-86-based Series 3000 systems. StarSentry offers centralised control and integrated support of multi-vendor networks. Of the new products, Stargroup Lan Manager Server 2.0 is the newest version of LAN Manager for Unix, developed jointly by AT&T and Microsoft Corp – it includes all the functionality of standard LAN Manager 2.0, with which it is compatible, and allows for communications and interoperability with MS-DOS, Windows, OS/2, Mac and Unix-based systems on LAN Manager, Appletalk, PC LAN, LAN Server, Banyan Systems Inc’s Vines, Token Ring, Ethernet, unshielded twisted pair, coaxial or fibre optic wiring, over Open Systems Inter connection, TCP/IP or NetBEUI protocol stacks. Support for LAN Manager for Unix is also available over WaveLAN high-speed wireless local networking.