Streaming digital movie platform Popcornflix has selected SAS Intelligent Advertising for Publishers, part of the SAS Customer Intelligence portfolio, to improve the way it monetises content through ad placements.

The SAS intelligent decision and ad delivery engine manages, forecasts, serves and tracks pre-roll, mid-roll, spot ad and banner inventory across Popcornflix movies.

Intelligent Advertising for Publishers provides the detailed reports that track as many as 50 different ad campaigns by traffic, displays, clicks and territories across multiple devices, through easy drag-and-drop.

It helps decision makers optimise content inventory helping them make better, faster business decisions. The analytics and optimisation capabilities will provide a predictive view of audiences, the company said.

SAS said it supports audience targeting through behavioral segmentation analysis that addresses changing audience and market needs.

It also allows data from each channel to be united in a single reporting interface to help publishers understand how each is performing in order to maximise revenue streams..

Screen Media Ventures senior vice-president Gary Delfiner said SAS Analytics will provide insight into viewer preferences.

"With those insights, we can traffic ads to specific locales and devices anywhere in the world. As data complexity and volume increase, SAS allows us to optimally manage our ad inventory," Delfiner said.

Popcornflix is a service of Screen Media Ventures, an independent motion picture distribution company with a broad distribution network and an independently owned motion picture libraries.