The service will make it easier for physicians to create and maintain a Web site and better connect with patients. Pointshare will provide Web page hosting services for the Web sites.

Physicians may select from 12 Web site designs and three packages, each of varying levels of customization. The standard package includes features such as practice information, office hours, maps and driving directions, insurance information, and terms and conditions. The MedSavvy service will also include registration of the clinic’s custom Web address with Internet search engines.

Pointshare will provide Web site and e-mail account hosting and domain name registration services. Additional packages or a la carte items may include patient-interaction features, such as online forms for prescription refill requests, appointment requests, patient history information, as well as hyperlinks to Web sites of affiliations and associations. These services provide a complete Web solution to the physician office.

Given that about 80 million adults use the Internet regularly and the fact that healthcare is among the most researched topic on the Internet today, it is critical for practitioners to have a Web presence for patient relations and new patient acquisition, said Scott Pape, director of strategic relations at Paperless Business Systems, in a statement to the press. Forward-thinking providers recognize the competitive advantage of having a Web site, and they look to experienced designers to assist them in the development and ongoing maintenance of their site.