Pixology Software and Systems has had its digital image management software translated into five more languages, a move that the company expects will multiply its potential markets many times. The Guildford, UK firm, previously called the Digital Camera Co, has only sold 10,000 seats for its Piccolo product, which enables users to acquire, organize and distribute digital photographs. With German, Italian, Spanish and French versions added, managing director Nigel Biggs reckons the market is four times bigger.

It is the Japanese language edition however, that will really jumpstart sales. Pixology aims to bundle its software with digital camera manufacturers such as Fuji, Kodak, Olympus and Minolta, with whom the company already has a deal in the UK. SanDisk and Lexar Media, card reader manufacturers which make the intermediary devices which turn the memory cards, or ‘digital film,’ into on-screen pictures, are also targets for distribution. Biggs says a bundled deal for that could be 200,000 copies in one go.