According to officials at the Mountain View, California-based firm, the main goal of the Winter release is to support the motivate and manage aspects of Pilot’s four key operational alignment tenets. The other two are monitor and measure.

PilotWorks 2005 Winter packs in a bevy of new features and functions to facilitate smooth communication of corporate strategies that are organized around five tabbed interfaces – strategy, initiatives, scorecard, dashboard and reports.

Each tab adds contextual relevance to the data being presented through role-based access and navigation facilities.

New features include; industry-specific templates pathways that map strategic phases to key roles; an enhanced strategy planning tool; cause-effect visualizations; task prioritization; more sophisticated traffic lighting; and KPI management tools.

The focus is very much on managing alignment of goals and execution as a collaborative and project-managed group activity.

Pilot has already built two packaged solutions on top of its generic PilotWorks analytic framework; Pilot Web (for optimizing web channels) and PilotWorks for GovMax (a public sector solution).

We often get lumped into the operational performance management category, says Pilot’s chief executive Jonathan Becher.

What our platform really does is force day-to-day operational alignment with high-level organizational strategy by getting all people on the same page.

Other performance management solutions are all limited to financial performance management. We look at the overall picture, he added.

Pricing for PilotWorks 2005 Winter starts at $25,000.

Looking further ahead, Becher said that Pilot is working on a 2005 Summer release of PilotWorks which will add more personalized content syndication capabilities and improve portal integration.