An app that ensures you will never take a bad selfie ever again has been downloaded 100,000 times in the last three months.

Pixtr launched at the end of April, and works by digitally improving smartphone photos according to cultural definitions of what is attractive.

The startup app automatically changes a photo of someone’s face, whitening teeth in the US, or removing spots from a teenager’s face or wrinkles from a pensioner’s visage.

Based in Boston, Pixtr CEO Aviv Gadot told Forbes he wants everyone in the world to use Pixtr when taking photos.

He added that the company would create a business model but hopes to gain more users before doing so.

Gadot said: "We will experiment for the next year with a premium service — which will charge users for a certain amount of perfected photos per month. And several social networking services like Facebook and DropBox have asked us about providing an API — for which we would charge a fee."