Philips Electronics’ North America Corp has paid an undisclosed sum for an unspecified stake in CellularVision Technology & Telecommunications Ltd Partnership, to support the continuing development and worldwide launch of its patented interactive wireless cellular technology – so-called wirless cable. The partnership was formed to develop and licence technology invented by Bernard Bossard and initially developed by the Suite 12 Group. The system is capable of delivering interactive broadband telecommunications including video teleconferencing, high definition multi-channel video, high-speed data transfer, telephone calls and services such as banking and shopping over the air. Philips Electronics is also a limited partner with Bell Atlantic Corp and J P Morgan Investment Management in CellularVision of New York LP, which is licensed to offer Local Multipoint Distribution Service in the New York metropolitan area, which uses the technology. The technology has also been licensed to WIC Western International Communications Ltd in Canada and First Circle Corp, Peru.