PharmaVigilant has introduced I-Builder 2.0, a study-building solution that is expected to ease the study build process and technology transfer for sponsors. I-Builder can support multiple users for building all phases of clinical research studies from simple studies to global, multi-center or adaptive study designs, said the company.

I-Builder is a web-based, thin client application that can support multiple users for their global study design needs, and offers a complete study builder module enabling sponsors to build trials from simple to complex adaptive trials for phase I-IV.

James DeSanti, founder and CEO of PharmaVigilant, said: The study design serves as the solid foundation for successful program execution. Studies not based on the proper architecture suffer from cracks and data issues that result in costly delays.

With I-Builder 2.0, PharmaVigilant is offering a technology that makes it simple for sponsors to build innovative and adaptive study designs in record time, using fewer internal resources than with other systems on the market. And the new interface will ensure that sponsors can integrate I-Builder into their organizations with minimal training, and little need for any on-going support.