Lean manufacturing is essentially removing non-value adding activities or waste from the production system. In a recent meeting co-sponsored by Pharmaceutical Manufacturing magazine and Quality New Jersey, executives from pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturers were presented with strategies for effective implementation and sustainability of lean initiatives, a core challenge for the pharmaceutical industry. Rapid microbial detection was one of the lean solutions presented.

Regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical companies understand the benefits of embracing lean solutions such as rapid microbial detection, said Richard Boehler, group leader at Luitpold Pharmaceuticals. An achievable goal is the implementation of rapid methods as an alternative approach to the traditional microbial limits test for end release products, in process and raw materials. In the end, implementing rapid technology enables the faster release of safe product.

Celsis says that its rapid microbial detection systems allow for earlier identification of contamination events and facilitate faster corrective action, minimizing the economic impact of these events when they occur.