XOR has signed a deal with P&G to provide the IT backup for its permission marketing activities.

eBusiness systems management firm XOR has signed a deal with Procter & Gamble, under which XOR will provide IT support for P&G’s global permission marketing activities. Teaming up with XOR should allow P&G to deliver targeted messages to select consumers at a lower cost than would be required to build similar capabilities in-house.

Permission marketing (or ‘opt-in’ marketing) is growing in importance as a marketing tool, as consumers grow tired of traditional mass advertising strategies. Opt-in campaigns, integrated with complete CRM strategies, allow companies to maximize consumer interaction by initiating ongoing, two-way relationships with their customers that allow them to collect, as well as to provide, information. The payoff for marketers is that collected information enables improved targeting and, therefore, effectiveness of marketing.

While permission marketing is a valuable tool, it is important for companies to integrate it with larger CRM strategies. By doing so, they can maximize the value of the information that consumers supply by using it to create highly targeted marketing campaigns.