The platform will support eligibility card issuance, pre- and post-sale member communications and electronic health benefit payments and post-adjudication processes.

Among other things, PlanITcare should help financial and healthcare institutions cope with the advent of health savings accounts (HSAs), a recent initiative designed to help individuals save for future qualified medical and retiree health expenses on a tax-free basis.

HSAs, owned and managed by consumers and domiciled in financial institutions across the US, are being seen as an effective way to keep healthcare cost increases under control while still providing care access to a growing number of consumers.

Increasing complexities of consumer-directed health plans and the administration requirements of HSAs, HRAs and FSAs are going to require a disciplined, controlled evolution in many areas of the healthcare industry, said Peter Schidlowski, SVP and general manager of Personix, Houston.

A single-source, comprehensive approach to member and provider communications should drive big bottom-line benefits by reducing output related expenditures, as well as expenses associated with call centers, provider support and lost or stolen checks, added Mr Schidlowski.