According to Dataquest, in the quarter April to June 1993, sales of personal computers within Spain were up 10% on the same period in 1992 in terms of units sold, but down 30% in terms of turnover, ComputerWorld Espana reports. The number of units sold from January to June 1993 is thus brought up to 274,235, with sales totalling just over $274m. Comparing the two three-month periods of 1992 and 1993, Digital Equipment Corp multiplied its sales tenfold to around 7,500 units; Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA doubled its figures to around 34,000 units (only IBM Corp sold more, increasing sales to around 38,000); Compaq Computer Corp also doubled its sales to just over 15,000, as did Hewlett-Packard Co, jumping from around 5,000 to around 10,000. Of the other main manufacturers, Investronica SA fell slightly to about 20,000, and Dell Computer Corp dropped a little to about 5,000 units sold. Hewlett-Packkard is the only company in Dataquest’s survey for which information appears about the first Pentium-based systems sold (81 units sold). The study also provides evidence that Intel Corp has achieved its goal, in that the 80486s outsell the 80386s for the first time. Portables represent the only market in which an increase in units sold is accompanied by increased turnover (no figures were specified).