While the company’s founder was coming a rather undistinguished third at his second attempt at the American Presidency, Perot Systems Corp was acquiring the Chicago-based Doblin Group, a strategic design planning company and pioneer of user-centered strategy – as opposed to vendor-centered, would that be, or bottom line-centered? Doblin Group will retain its name and become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Perot Systems, becoming part of its consultancy business. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Perot Systems sees Doblin as a key building block in its campaign to reinvent large enterprises. Doblin combines the disciplines of business planning, social science research and design to create a strategy practice aimed at transforming mature companies and creating start-up ventures. Clients have icluded Aetna Life & Casualty, Amoco Inc, McDonald’s Inc, Motorola Inc, Scandinavian Air System and Texas Instruments Inc.