Now that he has finally declared his candidacy for the US Presidency, Perot Systems Corp chief Ross Perot is going to step on a lot of toes in the next five weeks to election day, but he already has the sisterhood exclaiming What a Perotter! over unpolitical language used in an elevator after he had had a rough ride from two lady journalists on NBC-TV’s Today show: Washington Post television reporter John Carmody reports that he said that women journalists are tough on him because they’re trying to prove their manhood, which inflamed egos already sensitive over a remark he made in April to the effect that Women in my experience are more talented than men, so my biggest problem in my computer company is they keep getting married and leaving; Why would he possibly think that being a man is so ideal? said Nan Du Bois, head of the New York chapter of the National Organisation for Women, adding – It seems to me that he has a problem with women who are competent.