Sunnyvale, California-based Performance Semiconductor Corp, one of MIPS Computer Systems Inc’s Silicon partners is promising the first highly integrated implementation of the MIPS R-series RISC. The Performance Integrated Multichip Module, to be offered with says system clocks of 30MHz, 35MHz and 40MHz to deliver 25, 29 and 33 VAX MIPS combines CPU, floating point accelerator, 32Kb instruction cache, 32Kb data cache and Pacewrap R3100A system bus interface on a single programmable gate array, replacing about 50 devices used on earlier designs. It is targeted at a broad range of applications from workstations to high-end embedded controllers for commercial and military users. Commercial 1,000-piece pricing is $578 for 30MHz, $752 for 35MHz and $983 for 40MHz. The highly-integrated parts arrive in first quarter 1991.