Odyssey Logistics & Technology provides global logistics management to process manufacturers. The company claims it was selected by Performance because of its one stop shop capabilities combined with proprietary technology that can be deployed in support of the global business.

According to Odyssey, the Odyssey Global Logistics Platform(SM) will connect directly to Performance Fibers’ Enterprise Resource Planning system to provide a seamless, all-inclusive transition for logistics needs. Odyssey claims to provide Performance Fibers with complete visibility into all freight movement and logistics activities.

Karen Lowman, transportation & logistics manager for Performance Fibers said, From day one, Odyssey’s actions confirmed that they could not only handle our business, but also had the know-how and agility to make critical changes in record time. Having one single point of contact for all shipments and logistics needs gives us the confidence we need to focus on our core competencies.

The company plans to complete a transition to full data interchange by the end of the first quarter of 2006.