As the issue of irreparable environmental damage seems a permanent fixture in the news headlines, PepsiCo is just the latest of a number of international businesses to boost its corporate image through promoting environmental causes, by sponsoring the Live Earth concerts which will take place on July 7.

Pepsi’s sponsorship will involve manufacturing cans and bottles with Live Earth adorned on them. Other major sponsors of the event include DaimlerChrysler’s Smart division and Microsoft.

News of the collaboration comes just days after The Coca-Cola Company, Pepsi’s major competitor, revealed plans to make its Atlanta headquarters more environmentally friendly. Coke said the plans includes a $3 million investment in energy-efficient lighting and air conditioning equipment, rainwater harvesting techniques and advanced irrigation control systems.

News is also being reported that Pepsi is preparing to reveal plans to reduce its carbon footprint. The company has not yet confirmed this.