Sam Ockman, president and chief executive of Penguin Computing, has taken exception to certain claims made by Dell Computer Corp when it announced an expanded relationship with Red Hat Software Inc (CI No 3,634). Ockman says Dell is not the first computer vendor to offer web-based ordering of Linux-based computers. That must have been an oversight on their part, he said in a statement, noting that Penguin derives 98% of its revenues from sales online.

Ockman also questions Dell’s experience with the Linux operating system. Penguin has been told that due to Dell’s present lack of technical know-how and experience with Linux, the company is outsourcing the installation and technical support of some or all of its Linux-based systems, he said. What Dell actually announced was that it would handle installation in its own custom factory integration service, DellPlus.

Either way, Ockman says that his company will do whatever it can to help Dell build good quality Linux systems. However, if what he wants is a strategic relationship with Dell, issuing a highly critical press release is an original approach indeed.