Pelion says that, although capturing and visualizing the value stream is central to creating process efficiencies and driving waste out of plant operations, many manufacturers continue to rely on manual methods and tools that provide only a static view of production and the touchpoints that surround it.

Designed for building dynamic process renderings, EasyVSM builds a foundation capability to bring the value stream to life in a standalone workbench format. Process improvement, lean and six sigma teams can supplement or even replace manual whiteboard and chart paper processes with this program.

The data that is generated during visioning exercises is organized in a usable format for driving change and can be updated as future conditions emerge. This capability enables managers to not merely visualize what is happening within the plant but make adjustments as well, using a graphical model that ensures operations remain lean and in tune with changing events affecting supply and demand.

As research firms have noted, manufacturers are looking to increase the business impact from their mapping of value streams. EasyVSM addresses this need in a format designed to rapidly identify process inefficiencies while providing the added agility dimension of value stream analysis, said Dave Gleditsch, chief technology officer at Pelion Systems. Our tool is designed to capture and leverage data for maximum value.

In guiding process definition to support streamlined product and material flow, EasyVSM delivers capabilities, including mapping current state and future state options, collaborating on value stream mapping across the entire enterprise while enabling presentations and visual communication boards at any one location, and organizing cycle times and changeover times, production volumes, information flows, staffing requirements and inventory strategies.