As part of the agreement, Audible will utilize its audio production capacity to create and make available Pearson Higher Education study guides in downloadable audio format. These will be distributed by and available for download to AudibleReady digital audio devices, including iPods, other MP3 players, PDA’s and smart wireless devices.

The companies expect the first audio studio guide products to be available for download for the 2005-2006 academic year. They also plan to create and co-market educational audio products for the general consumer.

This landscape-shifting relationship opens up a whole new channel of content delivery choices for students at a price students, and their parents, will appreciate, commented Will Ethridge, chief executive officer of Pearson Higher Education.

There is compelling research that identifies 30% of our population as auditory learners. By coupling this research with the growing popularity of downloadable audio, we believe these study guides can make a significant difference in student performance by accommodating diverse learning and life styles, added Mr Ethridge.