PCs Limited, the fast-growing Texas-based mail order clone manufacturer set up in 1984 by the then 19-year old Michael Dell to help pay his college fees, yesterday announced that it is bringing its direct relationship marketing to the UK through its first overseas subsidiary. Dell Computer Corp, based in Bracknell, Berkshire, will, like its parent, principally target corporate users with high-end micros at knock-down prices which include hotline support, 12 months free next business day on-site service from Honeywell Bull and a 30-day money-back guarantee. As standard, all three machines – two 80286-based, one 80386-based – come with 1Mb static RAM, 1.2Mb 5.25 floppy drive, hard disk, Hercules-compatible mono graphics card and monitor, parallel and serial ports, at least four free slots, and, to help hotline staff, a diagnostic display panel mounted on the front of the system unit which provides constant machine status information. The 286-8, featuring a switchable 8/6MHz and 20Mb hard disk, starts at UKP1,300, with the 12MHz, 40Mb hard disk 286-12 from UKP1,800 and the 16MHz 80386-based 386-16 with fast access 40Mb hard disk from UKP3,200. A top-end 386-16 with EGA video card and monitor and 150Mb, 18mS hard disk is UKP4,600. Options include 80287 maths co-processor and internal Wangtek 60Mb tape. At the Dell launch, chief executive Michael Dell reported that in April the firm did $1.9m net on sales of $33.4m. It is currently shipping 7,000 units a month.