ParcPlace Systems Inc has introduced a new version – version 2 – of ObjectBuilder, its object-oriented graphical user interface builder for enhancing existing C++-based applications and opened a new UK office in Winchester, Hampshire, from where it will support and distribute its products in Northern Europe. The company claims that ObjectBuilder 2.0 provides a flexible framework to enable developers to customise existing objects and interfaces within applications. New features include attribute editors, which provide developers with colour, font, and object symbols control; custom objects that enable users to re-use or subclass new objects from existing ones; and support for Motif via ParcPlace’s Object Interface mechanism. ObjectBuilder 2.0 is available now for Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstations, IBM Corp RS/6000s and Silicon Graphics Inc workstations. Meanwhile ParcPlace will introduce an enhanced version of VisualWorks, its object-oriented application development and deployment environment for Unix and Microsoft Corp Windows NT next year. It says the new edition will enable developers to generate simple types of application for querying databases without having to know Smalltalk. It will also include optimised query capabilities and the ability to create default forms.