Parascript AccuDetect is designed to contribute to better cancer detection and lower patient recalls through employment of complementary algorithms and two major, proprietary technology approaches.

The first approach detects the presence of suspicious lesions on mammogram images. The second utilizes sophisticated voting methods to combine the results from each algorithm to produce the highest sensitivity and lowest false-positive rates.

Dr Nadezha Rozhkova, professor of oncology at RNCRR, said: As a premier medical institution specializing in early diagnostic and treatment of oncology diseases, RNCRR is dedicated to offering the most advanced technology to detect breast cancer earlier. Parascript AccuDetect is an invaluable addition to our center that will benefit patients from all over Russia.

Yuri Prizemin, director of product marketing for Parascript, said: We look forward to continued adoption of our CAD solution in Russia and to a strong partnership with the renowned RNCRR. We are committed to applying our image analysis technology to help radiologists detect breast cancers earlier and with lower false-positive rates.