LG Electronics UK Ltd, part of the Lucky Goldstar Group of Korea, and Panasonic UK have both cancelled their launches of Video CD cartridge adaptors for the Real 3DO Interactive Multiplayer Systems, blaming rivalry between standards for their decisions. Some industry sources have suggested that the root cause of problem has been an inability to make the adaptors work within The White Book specifications for MPEG standards and/or a lack of market for the product in the first place. Panasonic stated that it was current rivalry between Single Density, CD+ and HD-CD formats and various problems over MPEG 1.1 and MPEG 2 that had led to its decision. Despite the uncertainties of the future, its M2 64-bit upgrade for Panasonic’s Real 3DO Interactive Multiplayer System is expected to have Video CD capability and is still scheduled for its UK launch in spring of next year.