The deals cover web services integration with IBM Corp, messaging and resource management with Novell Corp, administration and assorted other business applications and functions.

Top of the list is a deepened partnership with IBM to extend development of web services applications from WebSphere to Palm OS-powered mobile devices. PalmSource and IBM will work together to build a web services software stack that will integrated into Palm OS, making WebSphere-based web services applications available to users of devices from any of PalmSource’s many licensees.

The deal could be seen as a direct effort to prevent domination of web services on mobile devices by Microsoft, which has tightly integrated its own mobile operating systems into its own .NET environment by way of the .NET Compact Framework.

We’re seeing a lot of enterprise customers getting highly nervous about the idea of a one-system, end-to-end solution. We’re trying to provide an alternative, said Jean-Marc Holder, director of marketing with PalmSource EMEA.

There may be client-level support on Palm OS [for .NET applications] but that depends on how open Microsoft is willing to be. We think the best position is to be pretty much agnostic.

The deal complements the agreement forged between PalmSource parent Palm Inc and IBM in early June to include the latter’s WebSphere Micro Environment (WME) virtual machine with future Tungsten PDAs.

PalmSource’s enterprise credentials were further bolstered through a tie-up with Novell to promote mobile messaging and resource management of Palm OS devices using Novell GroupWise and ZenWorks. Novell Nterprise, which includes these two products, was named the preferred enterprise solutions suite for Palm OS.

Support for this venture comes from Nexic Inc, which is providing its Synchronis native Palm OS client for GroupWise, while Notify Technology Corp is contributing its NotifyLink wireless e-mail product. Additionally, Visto Corp has been tasked with creating a new e-mail client for Palm OS, which will become the default messaging software for the platform.

Thirteen other mobile enterprise software vendors added their support to the PalmSource Business Applications Program, launched six weeks ago.

Source: Computerwire