UK market research firm Ovum Ltd, London, believes the European market for desktop computers will grow from an installed base of 22m in 1992 to 46m by 1996. It reckons that Unix will continue to dominate in the technical arena and says that IBM Corp’s OS/2 will flourish at corporate sites where personal computer communications are important. It expects the 78% share of desktops that are currently running by MS-DOS to fall to 29% of the total by 1997, for the Apple Computer Inc Macintosh and successors to retain a 10% share over the period, Microsoft Corp’s Windows to rise to 28% from last year’s 7%, the desktop Unix variants to grow to 10% from 4%, OS/2 to rise to 8% from the lowly 1%, and Windows NT to grow from nowhere to 14% over the next five years.