Outsourcery’s O-Cloud platform was today certified to run sensitive government information.

It can now host data marked Official and Official Sensitive, but not Top Secret, under the Government’s new security classification system, Pan Government Accreditation (PGA) .

The accreditation means Outsourcery can offer its platform to public sector organisations including councils, government bodies and the emergency services.

Piers Linney, co-CEO of Outsourcery, said the news signified the public sector opening the door to more digitisation, a key goal highlighted in trade body techUK’s recent manifesto for growth.

He added: "We are aiming to support this – we offer a full suite of IaaS and SaaS solutions built on Microsoft technology and delivered from our O-Cloud platform, which is housed in data centres based in the UK. We are the only supplier of cloud-based voice enabled enterprise Lync that is PGA accredited for Official and Official Sensitive."

His head of public sector, Simone Hume, added: "This is a great milestone for us and a natural step towards our goal of providing highly secure and efficient solutions to the UK public sector.

"The additional accreditation is aimed at UK public sector departments requiring higher levels of secure connectivity such as central government workloads, which has been built around next generation architecture, using Microsoft software technologies and Dell hardware."