If we are to get our hands on the $1 a week set-top box that ex-video rental king John Bentley was so keen to shout about back in January (CI No 2,829), it won’t be from his latest venture Viewcall Europe Plc. At least, not directly. After spending the last 18 months developing the technology and service, Bentley has extricated himself from the business of selling boxes. Viewcall will concentrate on selling the design for the technology and is actively touting franchise licenses for the On-TV Internet service worldwide. The group’s US associate company Viewcall America launched its Internet service earlier this year. Last week the group announced three new deals for its service. Firstly Mitsubishi Electronics Corp’s Mitsubishi Consumer E lectronics America, the world’s largest television manufacturer, will embed Viewcall’s On-TV Internet service within its forthcoming Internet-ready DiamondWeb televisions. Viewcall will receive a percentage from each unit sold, and anyone that buys the $1,000 box will automatically receive a free subscription to the service for one year. Secondly, Yahoo! Corp, the Internet service that’s more of a brand than a search engine – it actually uses the AltaVista engine these days, will guide users a round the Internet. Lastly, Viewcall has signed up USA Today, which has developed a television screen version of its Web site. Bentley said he would take an active role in the running of the US service. He estimated On-TV had about 1,000 subscribers, but its early days yet. His plan is to build up the service and get the technology out to as many people as possible. Viewcall said it will then use the US model to promote the service elsewhere. Bentley said the group would not relinquish full control to third party franchise holders, but was adamant that his marketing and distribution days were over.