Telecoms Network Management software company, Objective Systems Integrators Inc has announced a new version of their NetExpert software as part of a strategy to turn the company’s fortunes around. The new products mark a change of focus away from services and bespoke software development to the sale of component-based re- usable network management software modules. Richard Vento co- Chief Executive Officer, described the companies poor financial performance a result of developing nine products in a year. In 1997 OSI had revenues down 7.6% to 51.6m from $55.9m in 1996 and losses of $18.46m, compared with a profit of $9.7m. Folsom, California-based OSI is now chasing partnerships to supply software that fits into its management software such as Intelligent Network Services applications, and for systems integrators such as Andersen Consulting and CAP Gemini to implement its software. OSI is at the high end of the network management business with low value contracts being in the $1m range. It has changed its market from established telcos, and towards wireless operators and competitive telcos, as it believes that its software can be sold in greater quantities and with less on site software development to companies that don’t have legacy systems in their networks. With new networks that contain only control systems based on Unix Servers and Oracle, Sybase and Informix databases, and no problems with backwards compatibility. It hopes to sign customers in the rapidly expanding mobile markets in Asia, Latin America and the US, and the new competitive telcos emerging in the US and Europe.