More than 36 million visitors (15+ years of age, home and work environments only) in Brazil visited Orkut network site in August 2010, while 9 million visited Facebook, up from 1.5 million visitors a year ago, according to data released by comScore.

The firm’s data for the month of August 2010 showed that also registered growth, by doubling its audience to 8.6 million visitors, with Brazil leading the world in terms of Twitter’s Internet user penetration at 23%.

According to the report, more than 36 million Internet users age 15 and older visited a social networking destination from a home or work location in Brazil, with an average visitor spending more than 4 hours a month on social networking sites and viewing 585 pages of content.

Orkut was the most-visited social networking destination with 29.4 million visitors, followed by Windows Live Profile, and with 12.5 million visitors, 8.9 million visitors, and 8.6 million visitors, respectively.

ComScore said that the traffic to social networking sites in Brazil increased 51% in the past year, with Facebook registering a triple-digital growth in its audience 479% in the past year, and traffic to Orkut grew 30% in the past year, while increased 86%.

The report also revealed that registered 23% of the entire Brazilian online population, the highest penetration in the world.

Visitation to the Blogs category grew 48% to 29 million visitors, with Blogger as the top blog destination with more than 21 million visitors.

Demographic profile of visitors to, Orkut and across Brazil revealed varying levels of engagement by gender, age and geographic region.

Females exhibited stronger engagement across the Social Networking category, along with the three individual brands, as women were 16% more likely to consume content on Social Networking sites than an average visitor and showed the strongest disparity with females consuming 31% more content on the site.

The report revealed that younger users were more likely to view content on Orkut and than, and persons between 15-24 years were 32% more likely to view content on Orkut than an average visitor and 36% more likely to do so on, while on this age group was 35% less likely than average.

Older age segments exhibited stronger engagement with content at with persons age 45-54 indexing at 141 and persons age 55 and older indexing at 135.