The rumour mill says that the people that really mapped out the Open Software Foundation’s fate and the plans to turn it into what is being called Org 94 are IBM Corp’s Bill Filip, Hewlett Packard Co’s Gary Eichhorn and Digital Equipment Corp’s John O’Keefe. This trio of Software Foundation founders are said to want the Org 94 announcement at UniForum to take centre stage, so they tried strong-arming Sun Microsystems Inc and Novell Inc to defocus from any Common Open Software Environment event they might want to stage and participate in the Org 94 thing instead with some success, it is said. There was never much meat on the COSE bone anyway (nothing much to announce) and from what we hear any COSE event will be folded into an X/Open-hosted get-together at UniForum that will be essentially a broad year-in-review recap of open systems. There’s another rumour about the Software Foundation that says that once the latest revision of the technology is finished, the engineering teams will be disbanded. We know folks over there have been looking for jobs.