Portland, Oregon-based Oregon Software Inc has come out with release 2.1 of its C++/C, and the first implementation is for the Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstation, not previously supported by the company. Oregon Software says that its C++/C is compatible with release 2.1 of AT&T Co’s C++ and will track the emerging standards of the X3J16 committee of ANSI. Oregon C++/C for the Sparcstation includes a true optimising compiler that generates fast, compact object code from C++ source for faster compilation, direct debugging, and faster program development. It also includes an interactive source-level debugger, a suite of libraries that includes iostream, complex, and tasking libraries. It is three compilers in one, being switchable between ANSI C, K&R C and C++. Oregon C++ and Pascal-2 are available for 68000 line, Digital Equipment Corp VAX and iAPX-86 from the 80386 up and is compatible between the them for seamless development between existing systems and new introductions. The single user licence is $1,800.