Oracle has introduced NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 7.2 to enable developers to create web, enterprise, desktop and mobile applications for the Java platform, PHP and C/C++.

The new open source IDE is available for Windows, Mac, Oracle Solaris, Oracle Linux, and other Linux distributions.

NetBeans IDE 7.2 comes integrated with FindBugs, an open source Java-based static analysis tool which provides code hints in the editor, offering feedback and code inspections that can be run across projects, helping eliminating bugs early in the development lifecycle.

The new IDE is coupled with other editor enhancements such as a bookmark manager, code completion in the search bar, JPA code completion, hints and refactorings.

Release 7.2 features smarter project scanning that enables it to start smoothly and faster, while the new background scanning allows features such as Java editing to work immediately and the UI responsiveness is not blocked by I/O operations, improving performance up to 60%.

It also provides Interoperability with the early access release of JavaFX Scene Builder, allowing opening and visual editing of FXML files with Java FX Scene Builder.

The new release also includes FXML and CSS3 enhancements, support for PHP 5.4, PHP editor enhancements, PHP annotations and Symfony 2, C++11 standard and debugging improvements, Maven 3.0.4 and Groovy 1.8.6.

TestNG can be selected as an alternative to the JUnit framework when creating tests, the company said.

Oracle Tools and Middlewar chief architect and senior vice presiden Ted Farrell said, "The new capabilities, which resulted from collaboration with users, can help developers write code quickly and efficiently for their web, enterprise, desktop and mobile applications."