Oracle Corp has announced immediate availability of SQL TextRetrieval V2.0: it provides simple extensions to standard SQL that enable data and documents to be retrieved and managed together; SQL TextRetrieval V2.0 enables documents to be stored and managed in native formats as well as ASCII and EBCDIC; there are filters for Microsoft Word 4.0, WordPerfect 5.0, and WPSplus for DEC All-in-1 and an open interface is provided for adding other filters; the extended SQL integrates text queries into standard SQL, enabling users to retrieve documents by including string, wildcard, fuzzy-match, Boolean, proximity, phrase, synonym, and concept searches in standard SQL queries; SQL TextRetrieval V2.0 is available on Sun Microsystems Sparc systems and DEC VAX/VMS; it will be available in the near future running under MS-DOS, MVS and Unix systems.