Oracle Corp is working with Siemens AG on a joint development project to create metadirectory software for co-ordinating and synchronizing network resources, such as email addresses, human resources and customer information, in a centralized web environment. The new software will be based on SiemensÆ DirXmetahub meta directory technology and the Oracle Internet Directory Service.

OID, a competitor to Microsoft CorpÆs Active Directory and Novell IncÆs NDS Directory Services, was launched back in February. Both Microsoft, which acquired meta directory firm Zoomit Corp in July, and Novell, with the forthcoming DirXML, are moving in the same direction. Siemens has a 21% share of the directory services market with DirX. It will use the emerging DSML Directory Services Markup Language to provide interoperability with e-business applications.

The product will be demonstrated at Oracle Open World later this month, and is expected to ship in the first half of next year.