Oracle Corp says its OracleMail V1.1 software, which provides users of MS-DOS, Unix, VAX/VMS and Data General’s AOS/VS operating systems with transparent links, is now available. The system runs in a client-server configuration, and users can offload expensive server resources to their personal computers, while storing messages on the server to ensure security and ease of administration. Says the company, users can easily send text and non-text files with their mail messages, which in turn can be composed with a word processor, or with OracleMail’s own editor. Through OracleMail’s Application Program Interface, applications can provide reporting, and exception reporting, by monitoring information in a company information system for pre-defined criteria. Once the criteria have been met, the Application Program Interface will automatically send alerts to the user via electronic mail. For example, an application written using the OracleMail interface can monitor a company’s purchasing database to check the payment of invoices. When an invoice has remained unpaid for a certain period of time, the application can generate an electronic mail message to alert the individual that opened the purchase order that the invoice has not yet been paid. OracleMail V1.1 for MS-DOS costs $1,250 for a five-user kit – a minimum 80286 configuration is required, with at least 640Kb in either real or protected mode.