Oracle Corp, Belmont, California has funding from Uncle Sam to master the techniques needed to create a multi-level secure database management system. The two-year project, in which Oracle is partnered by SRI International and Gemini Computers, has $1.7m funding from the US Air Force Rome Developent Centre and the system will be based on a model developed from the SeaView SEcure dAta VIEWs project to develop a secure relational database management system for Department of Defense applications. Oracle will provide technical assistance and its high security database product as a part of the project. The original SeaView three-year study was completed in January 1989 and resulted in a security policy, model, implementation specification and demonstration system designed to meet the Orange Book Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria developed by the National Computer Security Center to incorporate four levels of security, from D – minimal to A, verified. The foll ow-on project will add Sea View functionality to a trusted Oracle system al ready being developed by Oracle and being implement ed to run under Gemini Com puter’s Gemsos A1-targeted secure operating system.