There are some exciting companies in Asia, said Derek Williams, Oracle’s chairman and executive vice-president for Asia Pacific and Japan. Wherever the acquisition opportunity is in the world, we’ll take an opportunity to get involved in that, he added, according to a report from Bloomberg.

Williams made the statements during a conference call to discuss Oracle’s performance and opportunities in AsiaPac and Japan where revenue for fiscal 2005 topped $2bn for the first time. The figure of $2.02bn represented an 18% increase compared to fiscal 2005. Revenue from new application licenses grew by 69% with database and middleware new license revenues increasing by13%. The region contributed 14% of Oracle’s total worldwide revenues and 19% of total new license revenues worldwide.

Williams believes Oracle’s revenue in the region will grow faster than their operations elsewhere in the world. The rest of the world does not have China and India in their economies and we’re very fortunate to have that. I expect to continue our growth faster than the rest of the organization, he said.

As well as looking for acquisition opportunities, Oracle is planning to expand its operations to 20 non-metro cities in Asia during fiscal 2007. He did not say where they would be but said they would be mostly sales-related. The planned expansion will build on Oracle’s recent expansion which saw it move into 33 non-metro cities across China and India during fiscal 2006.