Oracle’s commercial systems integration business, Oracle Complex Systems Corp appears to have hit difficulties. According to Computer Systems News, the head of Complex Systems, Bill Stevens, has been replaced by George Dreyer, who was previously vice-president of federal systems in the subsidiary. Staffing levels at the unit are to be reduced by 15%. The subsidiary has downgraded its revenue projection for the year from the set goal of $100m because targets are not being met. It is believed that revenue growth will be flat with last year at $65m, but this has not been confirmed officially, although the job cuts will put the unit back to its staffing levels of last year. Complex Systems has been hit by the completion of its $112m project with the Defense Logistics Agency – completed last summer – because this has left a hole in sales. The problem also appears to be one of focus, Oracle will now target projects where it has a technological strength, such as imaging. Ellison commented that the company will not try to compete directly with the large systems integrators in the Oracle database integration market.