San Francisco-based Bridgestream is venture backed by ArrowPath, Hummer Winblad, and Outlook Ventures. The company provides so-called enterprise role-management software called SmartRoles that helps companies to map employee responsibilities so that they can control what people have access to sensitive applications and data.

SmartRoles effectively provides a single point of control for defining and managing roles and provisioning (and de-provisioning) them with associated access privileges to IT resources.

The software is used to help companies meet regulatory compliance initiatives like Sarbanes-Oxley and HIPAA that mandate stringent access controls to data and monitoring of access privilege rights.

Oracle is likely to integrate Bridgestream’s SmartRoles and Discoverer products into its broad Identity Management suite, the security backbone for its Fusion Middleware stack, to deliver a single platform for role discovery, modeling, enforcement and audit.

Oracle said that Identity Management was one of its fastest growing software product lines last year, driven by heightened concerns over corporate governance, risk and compliance.

Bridgestream now joins a raft of other products that fall under Oracle’s Identity Management umbrella that also includes tools for managing identities, application access, single sign-on, identity federation and directory management.

According to Bridgestream the purchase has already been closed.

The acquisition of Bridgestream continues a long-running buying spree by Oracle. Earlier this week the company also announced its acquisition of Ireland’s Netsure Telecom, a provider of network intelligence and data integrity software. Oracle, which is based in Redwood Shores, California, has already made seven acquisitions this year.