The Redwood Shores, California-based company has signed deals with Scansoft, Symantec, Mailshell, BrightMail, Feith Systems and Software, Legato Systems, and Wingra Technologies.
Oracle’s Collaboration Suite architecture is based on its own database software, and can be accessed through Microsoft Outlook, a web browser, voice and wireless devices, and fax. The suite is pitched as a complete collaboration offering, spanning calendaring, real-time conferencing, email, file system support, voicemail and workflow.
The product was first released in July 2002, updated with release 2 in November 2002, and is now being extended by Scansoft, which offers users an integrated scanning, optical character recognition and desktop document management capability with its PaperPort Pro Suite. Feith Systems is also planning to deliver a government-certified document management package integrated with Oracle Files, according to Oracle.
Meanwhile, BrightMail, Symantec and Mailshell are planning to add integration with their anti-virus and anti-spam software to Collaboration Suite, while elements of Legato’s EmailXtender Family will add auditing and policy-based archiving and eradication capabilities to the suite.
Last, but not least, Wingra Technologies is working to extend Oracle’s migration and co-existence tools to improve potential Collaboration Suite customers’ chances of migrating from Exchange, Notes, Novell Inc’s GroupWise and other email systems.
Oracle has claimed surprise at the level of interest in the Collaboration Suite product, stating that the product could quickly outgrow its application server business. It believes that it can provide an alternative for customers seeking alternatives to Windows applications and operating systems.
Source: Computerwire