Oracle said it will continue development of new versions of its database and other software for HP’s Itanium computers following the court’s ruling that it is contractually required to develop software for the HPs server systems as long as the company sells them.

In August, a judge at Superior Court of the State of California, County of Santa Clara, US, agreed with HP that Oracle had made a commitment to support its servers which power the chips.

Oracle said in a statement that it will continue building the latest versions of its database and other software covered by the judge’s ruling to HP Itanium computers.

"Oracle software on HP’s Itanium computers will be released on approximately the same schedule as Oracle software on IBM’s Power systems," the statement said.

The California-based firm in March 2011 said that it would halt the production of new versions of its software for HPs servers which deploy Intel’s Itanium chips.

HP sued Oracle for violation of contract during late 2011 describing an agreement between the companies in September 2010 required Oracle to keep developing its products to Itanium, while countered suit reporting Itanium was dying and HP was not revealing the truth.

Oracle stated that its software on HP’s Itanium computers will be launched on same schedule as its software on IBM’s Power systems.